Enhance HTTP operational capabilities

Supports creating and deleting projects through interface calls

Supports creating and deleting projects through interface calls

Supports creation, modification, and deletion of flows through interface calls, supports scheduled scheduling of some tasks (not all) in the flow, and supports stopping some (but not all) tasks in the flow

Supports creation, modification, and deletion of flows through interface calls, supports scheduled scheduling of some tasks (not all) in the flow, and supports stopping some (but not all) tasks in the flow

Supports creation, modification, and deletion of jobs through interface calls. It also supports setting dependencies when adding new ones, and automatically mounts to superior dependencies when deleting

Supports creation, modification, and deletion of jobs through interface calls. It also supports setting dependencies when adding new ones, and automatically mounts to superior dependencies when deleting

Support http type job

This type is provided by Teamone Azkaban Plugins

This type is provided by Teamone Azkaban Plugins

Supports setting http tasks, and the server where Azkaban is deployed serves as the client to make http calls

Supports setting http tasks, and the server where Azkaban is deployed serves as the client to make http calls

Easy to use, other features are consistent with command job

Easy to use, other features are consistent with command job